My Story
The Compassionate Coach - Helena Moon
Ever since I was a child, I have always been sensitive, with a tendency to worry about others.
Whilst I never doubted that I was very loved within my own family, I nonetheless felt ‘on the edge’ when it came to my peer group at school and as I got older; - preferring to spend time alone – involved in creative activities such as painting, crafts or writing; or spending one- to -one time with one of my few close friends or with animals.
But it was whilst I was studying Illustration in Harrow, London, years later, that I started to suffer seriously from anxiety - and in reaction to that, depression.
My extremely vivid imagination - which was a gift in regards to creativity -began to develop a life of it’s own.
I became profoundly aware of the suffering of all forms of life across the planet, and so deeply affected, that I began to feel completely overwhelmed.
I developed agoraphobia, and even contemplated suicide.
I moved out of the city, and returned to my native Somerset. Here I had an epiphany when lying on the bed one night following a panic attack.
Suddenly I had the complete realization that the greatest fear is fear itself.
The following day I found myself in a second hand bookshop. I decided on impulse to buy a book about yoga, pranayama (breath/life force control) and meditation.
Keep scrolling to read the rest of my story.
Experience & Qualifications
Clinical Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma Course - fully accredited by the UK Hypnotherapy Council - MNCH Registered – Anglo- European College of Therapeutic Hypnosis –
Integrating Mindfulness and Compassion Teacher Training (IMC) Accredited by CPCAB (Counseling and Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body) (in process) - Mindfulness UK
Higher National Diploma in Illustration - Harrow School of Art - plus 2 Year Full -time Foundation Course in Art & Design
City & Guilds Further and Adult Education Teacher's Certificate
RSA Certificate in Counselling Skills in the Development of Learning .- Level 3
Associated Stress Consultants Diploma - MASC (UK)
Certificate in Yoga Studies - International Center for Yoga Education and Research – Indian Qualification under the guidance of Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri
BTEC Foundation in Dance Movement Therapy – Dance Voice - Bristol
NLP Practitioner Certification - Anglo European College of Therapeutic Hypnosis
Relevant Work History
I worked with the Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health NHS Trust, here in the UK, in both community and hospital settings as an OT Technician where I worked in a therapeutic capacity alongside the Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, and Art Therapy Teams, with both individuals and groups, teaching coping strategies, anxiety management techniques, and helping build self esteem through discussion groups and creative self expression such as Art, Ceramics, and Dance Movement Therapy for just over five years.
I worked as a Senior Instructor and Internal Verifier in Caritas Training Centre in Cork City in Ireland for twelve years, developing and delivering accredited FETAC Courses (The Further Education and Training Awards Council) including Interpersonal Skills and Self Advocacy, Drama, Dance and Personal Expression for young neurodivergent adults, mostly between the ages of 18 and 21.
Throughout this time I taught yoga, meditation and relaxation classes and workshops in my free time in Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres, User-led Mental Well-Being Support Groups, Leisure Centres, and Holistic Well- Being Centres.
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I began to practice each day and to my surprise my mental well being improved quickly and dramatically.
Here began a journey of discovery - studying a vast array of self help techniques and philosophies from (mostly) Eastern, and some Western traditions, whilst also continuing to develop my own creativity, along with a daily Kriya Meditation practice; which has continued to this day.
I also became completely fascinated with the Mind/Body Connection – and the concept (which a great deal of research now backs), that dis-ease firstly is often a manifestation of disharmony at the level of the mind and/or emotions.
I decided to explore professional training, in some of the disciplines which I myself had found so helpful, including Clinical Hypnotherapy, Mindfulness and Compassion, NLP, Stress Management, Counselling, Yoga, and Dance Movement studies.
To date I have worked with hundreds of people, both privately in my own practice and delivering community classes and workshops.
I also worked in a therapeutic capacity in the Occupational and Art Therapy Departments in the NHS mental health services here in the UK.
In Ireland, where I lived for over ten years, I worked as an Interpersonal Skills Trainer with neuro-divergent young adults; devising and delivering accredited Personal Development courses in a Skills Training Centre.
Over the years I have also worked privately with a number of charitable organizations, and rehabilitation clinics, teaching workshops and classes in Meditation, Relaxation Skills, Dance and Movement, Mindful Self Expression in the Arts, Mindful Healthy Weight Management, Mindful Relationships and Communication, and many other areas of the Body/Mind Connection.
In 2013 I returned to England to be closer to family. Then followed a period of enormous personal pain and heartbreaking and life changing decision making.
But my sense of faith and purpose sustained me and enabled me to rebuild my life.
But my greatest sense of achievement, is when an individual I have been working with tells me that they now feel inspired and even excited about their future.
In my 'free time' I continue to experiment with creative approaches.
I am the author and illustrator of an award winning children’s book which helps raise funding for a children’s charity.
I also continue to love studying, painting, meditating, crafts, nature, animals, and drinking tea and savouring chocolate cake in beautiful gardens!
Finally, I continue to care deeply about the welfare of of others, as I do my best to taking small consistent steps of personal action — in particular advocating for the welfare of our planet, nature and wildlife.
However, these days I accept that each of us can only do our own little bit. I try to treat myself with the same compassion I extend to all sentient beings and life forms.
Like for all of us, life continues to ebb and flow. But whether outwardly sorrowful or joyous, I remain at some level unchanged. I am doing the best that I can, knowing that I feel truly blessed.