The mind is everything
What we think we become
The Compassionate Coach
Holistic Well-Being Consultant, Mindfulness & Compassion Teacher, Clinical Hypnotherapist
I still find it difficult to reflect on the severe and disabling anxiety which was so destructive in my life when I was younger.
Knowing from direct personal experience how truly damaging feelings of constant worry, depression, and trauma (which most of us experience to varying degrees at different points in our lives) can be to both mind and body, I am passionate about supporting others who are struggling with these (or other) issues.
Once we learn ways to move beyond our limiting beliefs and habitual ways of thinking, behaving and reacting to life, we become free to focus on the things which are truly important to us, and begin to align our choices with our own highest purpose and expression.
breath work
self expression
hypnotherapy 〰️ mindfulness 〰️ breath work 〰️ self expression 〰️

“Having compassion starts and ends with having compassion with all those unwanted parts of ourselves.”
— Pema Chedron
For many years it was difficult for me to imagine that things could be any different.
I looked out at the world and felt completely overwhelmed. It is easy to feel that the inner and outer obstacles stacked against us are insurmountable. To conclude that it is both safer and easier just to draw inwards and pull down the shutters.
But eventually I discovered another way. I changed my life around from the inside out - and found a sense of inner security and purpose which has remained with me ever since.
If we are fortunate, sooner or later we arrive at a turning point – some kind of epiphany - when we are finally willing to take a risk – and move beyond our comfort zone - which eventually becomes increasingly uncomfortable.
If we ignore these feelings or simply don’t notice them, they may create very real mental or physical health issues.
Either way, at pivotal points in time, something will happen to ‘wake us up’ to the fact that we need to make some changes in our life.
At these moments, however, if we are willing to do our best to rise to this timeless challenge, we embark upon a potential adventure – which may feel daunting at first. But eventually becomes self propelling.
We explore and discover the ways in which we can naturally rewire our neural pathways, and transcend these unhelpful emotions, feelings and habitual physiological reactions.
These otherwise suck the joy and creativity from life, destroy our natural propensity for optimal health, and generally keep us ‘stuck’.
As we learn to literally reprogram our brain, and ‘alchemise’ the energy of our feelings and emotions – we can create the life we were born to live. This is an amazing and life changing experience.

‘Just like a melody life has it’s ups and downs.
Embrace both and find the beauty in every note’
Whilst, like everyone, I continue to experience life's ups and downs, it feels humbling to consider just how much my own state of mind has changed over the years.
I remember thinking during my lowest times in life, that my mind felt like a terrible roller coaster and I was unable to get off...
Eventually I did learn to step off thank goodness.
Now, as a Compassion-Focused Coach and Holistic Well-being Therapist, it gives me a great sense of purpose, satisfaction, and indeed joy to help others who may be struggling as I was;- as well as supporting those who simply have a desire to move towards optimal health, or discover greater meaning and fulfilment in their life.
Whist I have a particular interest in the mind / body connection, and creativity and anxiety, (I trained originally as an artist), many of the people I work with may not necessarily consider themselves 'creative'.
However, lots of people do in fact learn to access and express their inherent creative energy when they drop the conventional view of what creativity actually is, along with self judgement. This may for example manifest in the form of greater clarity, imagination, or creative thinking.
I work with a variety of evidence based techniques from several disciplines including Mindfulness, Compassion-Focused Inquiry, Mindfulness Based Self Expression, Therapeutic Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis, and ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy).
I also teach CBT-based desensitisation, Problem Solving, Goal Setting, and Relaxation and Stress Management Skills.
These are all practical skills that you can learn yourself and apply in your daily life going forward.
And they can help you to learn to befriend your own mind, and work creatively with it, so that it becomes your ally as opposed to your foe.
A huge body of research demonstrates how our thoughts and e-motions (energy in motion) have a huge impact on our physical health, as our bodies emit a cocktail of chemicals and biological responses, which can easily destroy our natural balance and propensity to heal - potentially creating all kinds of dis-ease.
Mindfulness practices, clinical hypnotherapy, CBT techniques, and / or learning self hypnosis, can all help us to develop emotional regulation, and thanks to neuroplasticity we can learn to ‘rewire’ our brain, so that mind and body act in harmony.
Whilst the physical and mental benefits of yoga, breath awareness and meditation are well documented, I personally do not believe that science is yet (or ever likely to be) able to capture every facet of the universe in a test tube!
Therefore, having spent many years teaching, and benefitting personally from a practice of daily yoga, mindful movement and pranayama (yogic breathing practices), I am also extremely interested in the study of prana, (the life force, otherwise known as Chi in many traditions).
I and many others believe that potential ‘blockages’ in the flow of this energy can compromise both our health and general well-being.
As a qualified ARCH energy healer, I can help you to rebalance this ‘life force’ if this is something you would like me to support you with.
Of course, ultimately good health is the result of a myriad of different features - and is likely to need a range of approaches and possible supports. None the less, I personally believe that state of mind, and balance of energy (along with diet and exercise), play pivotal roles in our overall wellness.
I can only tell you that I live what I teach . And my life is now one of good health, positive relationships, deep sense of meaning, and inspiration - for which I am profoundly grateful.
If you decide you are ready now to move forward, together we can put together a step-by-step plan, which fits around your own time commitments, personal values and choices, so that you too can create the life you truly deserve.
What to expect from our work together.
Initially I offer a free 30 minute consultation (by phone or online) which gives us both an opportunity to get to know each other a little.
We will discuss your aspirations and goals for therapy and your core values, in order to ensure that you are involved in choosing the most effective, interesting and enjoyable ways of working for you.
Sessions can be held face to face or online, depending on your preference and location.
Commitment to engage in the process is necessary. I do not offer any 'quick fix' promises. Whilst change can occur quite quickly sometimes, lasting change is only possible with an understanding that it requires consistent input and effort from you. However, if you are willing to make that commitment, real change is not only possible, but inevitable.
And your life going forward will be transformed.